
你付多少大学学费取决于不同的机构 以及你能得到多少经济援助. 买球app提供州内在线学费 计划和提供广泛的经济援助选择来帮助你支付学费 costs for college.





买球app以低廉的学费提供世界一流的教育 学费远低于全国平均水平. 这是大学的分类 UAF的学费和其他费用. 记住,大多数学生都能获得经济援助 只支付大学学费的一部分. 一旦你对成本有了概念 大学,买球app鼓励你探索所有可用的经济援助选择和 使用下面的资源计算你将获得的援助金额.

Course levels Alaska resident Non-resident WUE 3 Military 4
UAF CTC 1 $234/credit $800/credit $351/credit $234/credit
Troth Yeddha'(费尔班克斯)-本科生 2 $289/credit $855/credit $434/credit $250/credit
Troth Yeddha'(费尔班克斯)-毕业生 $539/credit $1105/credit     

UAF学生参加高级(300或400)或更高的CBSM课程有额外的 25%的学费附加费,在澳澳注册的学生还要额外支付20%的学费附加费.
本科学生(4年制课程) Alaska resident Non-resident WUE 3 Military 4
Tuition and fees 5 $5,355 $14,235 $7,785 $3,750
housing and food (双人间+每周7块餐点计划) $5,325 $5,325 $5,325 $5,325
Semester total $10,680 $19,560 $13,100 $9,075 
Graduate students Alaska resident Non-resident Military 4
Tuition and fees 5 (9学分,600级课程) $5,580 $10,881 $5,580
住房(2卧室,共用) $5,325 $5,325 $5,325
Semester total $10,905 $16,206 $10,905
Expense type Living off-campus Living on-campus
Books and supplies $2,000 $2,000
杂项及个人开支 $2,250 $2,250 
Transportation $2,000 $2,000

Course levels Alaska resident Non-resident WUE 3 Military 4
UAF CTC 1 $234/credit $800/credit $351/credit $234/credit
100-200-level 2 $260/credit $826/credit $390/credit $250/credit
300-400-level $289/credit $855/credit  $406/credit $250/credit
600-level $539/credit $1,105/credit    
一年级和二年级学生 Alaska resident Non-resident WUE 3 Military 4
Tuition and fees 5 (15学分,100-200级课程) $4,935 $13,770  $6,885 $3,750
housing and food (双人间+每周7块餐点计划) $5,325 $5,325 $5,325 $5,325
Semester total $10,260 $19,095  $12,210  $9,075 
大三和大四学生 Alaska resident Non-resident WUE 3 Military 4
Tuition and fees 5 (15学分,300-400级课程) $5,400 $14,235 $7,350 $3,750
housing and food (双人间+每周7块餐点计划) $5,325 $5,325 $5,325 $5,325
Semester total $10,725 $19,560 $12,675 $9,075
Graduate students Alaska resident Non-resident Military 4
Tuition and fees 5 (9学分,600级课程) $5,580 $10,881 $5,580
Room (2 bedroom, shared) $4,951 $4,951 $4,951
Semester total $10,531 $15,832 $10,531
Expense type Living off-campus Living on-campus
Books and supplies $2,000 $2,000
杂项及个人开支 $2,250 $2,250 
Transportation $2,000 $2,000


1  适用于社区和技术学院(CTC),布里斯托尔湾,楚科奇,内陆 阿拉斯加,库斯科温,西北校区(所有课程都是100-200低级别).

2 适用于通过农村和社区发展学院提供的学术课程 和Troth Yeddha的费尔班克斯校区.

3 西部本科生交换.

4 Military pricing 可能不包括所有特殊材料费或大学或学校附加费.

5  包括学生会、体育、图书馆和数字资源的费用; 学生活动和服务,学生健康和咨询中心,娱乐, 学生可持续性,技术,交通,UA网络和设施. Does 不包括医疗保险,书籍,用品,旅行,停车,杂项费用 或与国际学生或交换学生有关的特殊费用. Costs are subject to change.