

Whether Alaska is 首页 or a new beginning, a UAF degree offers the ultimate opportunity: a chance to make a living doing what you love. So choose the path that intrigues you — you never know where it might lead.


发射火箭. 监控muskoxen. 西班牙留学. 这是你的生活. 让它离开 图表或脱离网格.


这是 all here -- professors who know you, research grants to study in-depth and study-away programs so you can explore a different world.

UAF students doing research outdoors

AlaskaX courses are free online courses on the global edX platform. 每个都是经过设计的 and taught by 买球app faculty. AlaskaX课程以问题为中心 of importance to the Arctic as well as providing in-demand skills for today’s careers.

UAF eCampus student Carolyn Lang studies from 首页

UAF eCampus offers more than 350 courses in 60 disciplines and offers degrees and 证书完全在线. Our online degree and certificate programs cover fields from medical coding and reception to information technology. 有这么多学位课程 to choose from, and with the flexibility of online courses, UAF's eCampus courses are a great way to begin or further your educational and professional career.


的 荣誉学院 assists high-achieving and motivated students in making the absolute most of their undergraduate education. But it's about more than being smart. 这是 about being bold, pushing your intellect and pursuing scholarly opportunities. 这是 exploring new places -- in the mind and the world. 那是你远离家乡的家 academically and socially, where you share small classes and rigorous thinking with student-scholars as inquisitive as you.

UAF students doing research in a lab

Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity (小熊星座) office exists to support, develop and institutionalize UAF's diverse and robust programs of undergraduate research and creative scholarship.

Biomedical Learning and Student Training program (爆炸) offers 20 scholarships that cover tuition, 费用 and a monthly stipend for students interested in biomedical or health research careers. 学生接受来自以下方面的指导 faculty and the opportunity to conduct research.


Take the next step in your education at a world-class research university that embraces 土著价值观和认同. Serving rural and Alaska Native students from across Alaska, 农村学生服务 (RSS) is here to help you make UAF your 首页 away from 首页.


If you want to explore the world, UAF can help. Whether you attend a university in another state or another country, your credits will count toward your UAF degree program. Participation in National Student Exchange and international exchange/study abroad programs will start you on your unforgettable adventure!

学生支援服务 group photo

Bachelor's degree students who are first-generation, low-income or who experience a documented disability are eligible for 学生支援服务 (SSS) and TRiO services — comprehensive advising, mentoring, computer access, scholarships and financial 援助 援助,以及更多! 

UAF students attend a summer class outdoors on the Fairbanks campus
暑期班 and Lifelong Learning

暑期班 offers many courses, credit and noncredit, meeting morning through evening, weekdays and weekends from May to August. Complete a course for your degree or investigate a topic of interest.

Various sessions create the option for flexible scheduling for summer students. Twelve-week, six-week and two-week sessions, plus short courses with varying dates and lengths, create the opportunity to design a schedule that works best for you.

UA学者 students build a model plane

亚利桑那大学学者计划 encourages Alaska's high school graduates to get their advanced education in Alaska.

的 UA学者 Award is an $12,000 scholarship which can cover eligible expenses such as undergraduate tuition, 费用, room, board, books, supplies and other educational costs associated with going to a UA school.